If change is so obviously important and necessary, then why is change so hard? In thinking about this, I’m reminded of a joke I’ve heard many times: Question: How [...]
Everyone living in today’s world is faced with change on a daily basis. Certainly change is nothing new – I can look back on my grandparents’ childhood (no indoor [...]
Guest Post: Glenn Van Ekeren is the President of Vetter Health Services in Omaha, Nebraska, a company committed to providing “dignity in life” for seniors. Vetter Health [...]
Guest Post: Glenn Van Ekeren is the President of Vetter Health Services in Omaha, Nebraska, a company committed to providing “dignity in life” for seniors. Vetter Health [...]
Late on a Saturday afternoon, I asked my wife, “Is there a good movie on TV tonight?” Marsha replied, “The usual. Why don’t you go to the Redbox and get [...]
In my previous post, I discussed the results of scientific research that supports the argument that we learn more from our successes than we do from our failures. Moving away from the [...]
Some of my associates and I were having a discussion on the value of learning experiences. The question was asked, “Do we learn more from our failures than we learn from our [...]
Julie Noble is the Director of Human Resources at Cain Ellsworth. She is a nationally certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR) and works with business owners and managers on a [...]
After working through all the stages of the business life cycle (The Idea, Actual Work, Look Out World!, We’ve Arrived, Growth & Expansion, Downhill Slide), we’ve finally arrived [...]
Unfortunately, for a myriad of reasons, most businesses at some point find themselves in decline. Sales are decreasing, or profits are decreasing, or both. The biggest issue (and the [...]