For most businesses, the first four stages of the business life cycle (The Idea, Actual Work, Look Out World, and We’ve Arrived) happen with a certain amount of predictability. But [...]
Finally. After (probably) years of hard work, you have an established business. In stage four of the business life cycle, your wild toddler has matured into a thriving adult with its [...]
Your business has gone from birth (The Idea) through infancy (Actual Work) and is now in stage three, the toddler stage, going full speed in any direction that looks interesting. In fact, [...]
Once your business moves past the “dream” stage, it becomes an actual, functioning entity. It has been born! This is the second stage in the business life [...]
Your business is constantly changing. As time goes by, your business will progress through various stages of the business life cycle. Businesses go through developmental stages the same way [...]
We are pleased to announce the release of Version 2 of our online Growth and Profit Solutions (GPS) diagnostic. The online assessment will help you identify your Top 3 [...]
Arguably, the most common reason that marketing plans fail is that they are never implemented. Imagine that you spend months and months helping your daughter plan her wedding. You [...]
In the last two weeks we have covered the importance of knowing your market and focusing your marketing the benefits your product/service will deliver to the customer. Today, we will [...]
Last week I discussed the importance of understanding your market and introduced an exercise called market segmentation to help you identify your target market. This week I will [...]
Reason #1: Not Knowing Your Market Trying to market to a large and general population of customers is a recipe for failure. A better approach is to more clearly define your target [...]