Last week I had a conversation with the owner of a very successful business that reminded me of dozens of conversations I’ve had in the past. We were talking about the owner’s future (he’s [...]
I’ve had the good fortune to watch this video twice in the past few weeks. It’s about 18 minutes long and absolutely worth your time. Think about what Simon said in the video. I’m [...]
One of the hot topics in our world today is innovation. Companies love to broadcast to the world that they are a leader in innovation. If you google “innovation” you end up with about [...]
This week’s post comes from our friend Andrew Cooke, a fellow Mindshop member in Australia. Check out Andrew’s web site and take a look at some other stuff he has written. The topic [...]
Late in 2012, business leaders around the world were asked what they saw as their big training needs in 2013. One of the top responses was the need to be better at coaching and developing [...]
I had the opportunity this week to spend some time working with one of our firm’s best clients as their board worked through the beginning of a long-term planning process. This business has [...]
I was visiting with a leader of a local manufacturing company recently about some sales issues they were having. Sales had been falling for some time, and cash flow was becoming a major [...]
As I drove to work this morning with the temperature at three degrees below zero and the wind chill at thirty below, I found myself a little bit amazed that we’re already a month into 2013. [...]
In last week’s blog we mentioned briefly the idea that people are motivated by images, things they can see in their minds. That must have resonated with some people, because a number of you [...]
We talk a lot in this blog about getting stuff done, and why it’s so hard. We try and offer ideas and solutions to help you improve. But for a big chunk of the population, the [...]