Perhaps the biggest frustration we encounter when working with business leaders is the inability of those leaders to get done the things they want to get done. There have been books written [...]
This past Christmas, one of my daughters faced a dilemma. “Dad,” she said, “I’m trying to decide which kind of dessert to have and I’m having a hard time making a decision.” Given [...]
As we move through another holiday season I’m reminded that, for better or worse, in our society a lot of the holidays is about “wants”. As the father of two 6-year-olds that especially [...]
This week’s post comes from our friend Grant Field of MGI South Queensland. Grant originally posted this on MGI’s web site & was gracious enough to allow us to use it here. It’s [...]
Recently I was involved in a meeting in which the topic of employee performance review came up. As soon as they were mentioned, the eye-rolling and groaning started. It’s almost a [...]
There is and has been a lot of talk about the Baby Boomers over the past few years. How many of them will be leaving the workforce and what that means for the transition of [...]
I’ve been reminded recently how often are there changes we know ought to be made to our businesses, yet we just don’t do it. How often do we say something like, “Well, we’re hopeful things [...]
I don’t know if there’s a rule about “you’re not supposed to blog when you’re irritated”, but if there is I’m apparently breaking it today. The embarrassing part is that I’m mostly [...]
Today’s article is written by guest blogger, Marisa Gift. Follow Marisa’s blog at: This week I found myself creating a trusty ol’ pro-con [...]
Everyone seems to have an opinion about the use of social media in business. Recent research conducted in Great Britain by MBA candidate Scott Addison revealed that currently social media’s [...]